Rental Evictions in Atlanta: A Guide for Landlords

Rental Evictions in Atlanta: A Guide for Landlords

In just 7 months of 2023, there were over 72,000 eviction filings in Atlanta.

When you're an Atlanta rental property owner, evictions aren't something you look forward to. They're among the biggest causes of landlord stress, not to mention their effect on tenants. At the same time, when your investment is being put at risk, it's important to take swift action.

In today's post, we'll give you a quick guide on tackling the eviction process. It's not easy, but keep reading, and we'll help you ensure you're doing everything right to tackle evictions as quickly as possible.

Tenant Eviction Laws in Georgia

You can't engage in the eviction process without first understanding the eviction laws in Georgia. As with many other states, you must have a reason to evict a tenant in Georgia, such as failure to pay rent, lease violations, or illegal activity.

Each infraction must be served with a particular eviction notice. Just as your landlord rights allow you to evict a tenant when they've done something to deserve it, the tenant's rights prevent you from doing so unlawfully. If you attempt a "self-help eviction", you'll be punished accordingly.

Sending an Eviction Notice

It's always important to attempt to communicate with a tenant before filing an eviction. The more you try to reason with a tenant and understand why they're acting in poor faith, the better it'll reflect on you during the eviction process.

When your attempts at an amicable resolution fail, it's time to issue the eviction notice. For failure to pay rent, you give the tenant a written notice telling them of your plans to evict. You may file the eviction in your local courthouse if they refuse to heed the notice.

For lease violations, you're under no obligation to give the tenant the chance to correct the problem. You may file the eviction right away and wait for your hearing date. The same is true of any illegal activity conducted in the rental.

Preparing for Evictions

If your tenant continues their refusal to vacate the property, file the eviction and start preparing your evidence. Gather proof of correspondence with the tenant, bank statements showing failure to pay rent, and receipts for repairs due to tenant damage - anything that supports your eviction claims.

When your eviction case is successful, the tenant will be given a final date to vacate the property. Failure to do so by this date will result in forcible removal by the local authorities.

Once you have your property back, it's time to start taking rental marketing and tenant screening seriously. The more work you put into this process, the less chance you'll have to go through an eviction again.

Get Eviction Help With PMI Atlanta OTP

Even when evictions are straightforward, they're stressful and time-consuming. One way you can avoid the eviction process altogether is to find a property manager who offers eviction protection. This takes the duty and cost of going through evictions off of your plate.

For Atlanta landlords, the best property management service is found at PMI Atlanta OTP. We're part of the country's largest property management group, offering a variety of crucial services, including eviction protection and tenant screening. Contact us today to learn more about what we do.
